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Re: [idn] next ietf idn agenda proposal

At 09:16 08.03.00 -0500, Marc Blanchet wrote:
>         based on requests, here is a first agenda proposal for the next 
> ietf idn wg meeting.  Hope I didn't forget someone.

I'd prefer a slight rearrangement, to make sure we have the things which 
are input to the requirements discussions before the requirements doc.
>IETF 47th, Adelaide, March 2000
>Internationalized domain names (idn)
>working group meeting agenda
>- Agenda bashing, blue sheet, setup, 5 minutes
>- Requirements from Japan, Yoshiro YONEYA, 10 minutes
>- Internationalization of URLs: history, Larry Masinter, 10 minutes
>  http://www.normos.org/ietf/draft/draft-masinter-url-i18n-04.txt

I shortened both of these by 5 mins - presentations need to be short.
You judge.

>- Report on APTLD meetings, TBA, 10 minutes

I lengthened this by 5 mins - I get a feeling that several people from 
APTLD meetings will be there, so some discussion about what the report 
should be may be expected.

>- Requirements document, James Seng, 55 minutes
>  http://www.normos.org/ietf/draft/draft-ietf-idn-requirment-00.txt

My guess is that there has to be a rather brutal cutoff of discussions at 
the end of this period. Another reason to get the presentations out of the 
way first.

>- Implementations document structure and plan, TBA, 30 minutes

I also recommend watching the clock VERY closely.

Take this as advice only!
Looking forward to the meeting!


Harald Tveit Alvestrand, EDB Maxware, Norway