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Re: [idn] IDN priorities and requirements

At 22:47 27-02-00 , James Seng wrote:
>This bring us to the topic Harald was talking.
>Should we work on client specification or the protocol, ie wire format, or the
>server specification (zones etc). They can all be different actually...

This being IETF, we should focus on the protocol (i.e. bits-on-the-wire).
This is both DNS client and DNS server.

Things like format of a zone file are usually out of scope for IETF standards.

Btw, what Larry Masinter's proposed design approach appears to ignore is that
some of the requirements currently on the table are there for reasons
of backwards compatibility/interoperability with the deployed base.
We can't just start top-down exclusively.  We have to keep interoperability
in mind at all time, painful though this is.
