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RE: [idn] alpha v0.4

At 12:36 21-02-00 , Karlsson Kent - keka wrote:

>Suggested replacement text: 
>"Registrars should only be allowed to register names that consist 
>only of characters that are used in words, according to some 
>orthography. Thus punctuation (except in-word punctuation, like 
>hyphen), symbols, control characters, or format control characters, 
>should not be used in a name. Period, including full-width period, 
>is reserved for separating parts of a domain name.  The *amended* 
>ISO/IEC TR 10176 Annex A (Recommended extended repertoire for 
>user-defined identifiers) should be considered when selecting 
>the IDN character repertoire." 

This WG only specifies requirements for the protocol,
so we should not focus on what registrars are/aren't
permitted to do.  

Any registrar issues are for ICANN, not IETF.  IETF only
specifies protocols and confines itself to technical issues.
ICANN handles any policy issues.

Proposed rephrasing:

"IDNS need only support DNS names that consist of characters normally used
in words, according to some orthography.  Thus ..."

