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Re: Localization issues: (WAS alpha v0.2)

At 11:16 00/01/25 +0800, James Seng wrote:
> Hi Olafur,
> Just one general comment on the suggestion. You focus on the way how these are
> handled on the DNS packets and you are right in the sense that these localized
> issues can be solved on the client side, ie
> 1. if a language choose to reverse the domain order, they can do so on
>    the user interface level but keep the bits order correct in the packets.
> 2. UI can introduce new separate as they wish so long the labels are 
>    encoded accordingly in the packets.
> 3. UI can render fonts as they wish from right->left if neccessary so
>    long, once again, the bits order are preserved in the packets.
> Looking from this persective, I suppose we can consider all these a UI problem
> and the question now is should IDN work on a requirement for the UI or should
> we focus on requirement on the wire level?

We need both. I want to be able to write down a (reasonable) i18n domain name
on paper, pass it to somebody else, and have him/her reach the machine
I intended. I assume many other people want to do that, too :-).
This doesn't work if we ignore user interface issues.

Regards,   Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, World Wide Web Consortium
#-#-#  mailto:duerst@w3.org   http://www.w3.org